Well, to put it briefly this work is part of a semester long undergrad research effort under Professor David Anderson (ECE Dept. at GT), as part of a larger effort to expand the Special Topics course ECE 1882 into a more developed survey course. As it stands this course is currently a 2-hour freshman offering which serves as an intro to computing systems, robotics, and to an extent, embedded platforms. The main feature of ECE 1882 is the design project, in which students utilize a Lego NXT controller to implement a robot capable of performing certain tasks whilst navigating an obstacle course.
That brings us to me, and my research project.
As great as the NXT is for an introductory robotics platform, it is limited in its COTS sensor capabilities. My goal is to take an Arduino-type microcontroller, so chosen for its comparative ease of use, and find a way to interface it with the NXT, the overarching goal being to develop custom sensors utilizing the Arduino.
This blog is a rehash of my research notes, jotted down during the project. What follows is a record of my work, put into blog form. Each entry will summarize my trials and tribulations for that week, along with any info deemed of importance. Think of this blog as a collection of musings as I progress through the project, I will have a separate page which clearly summarizes my results.